Real estate abroad

Buying real estate in Poland:

we offer you assistance absolutely for free

You are on the website of Duokom company, which is the biggest real estate agency in Lviv. We have signed partnership contracts with the best real estate agencies of Poland. 

Therefore, our services are provided free of charge and do not influence on fee of Polish intermediary.

Our partners guarantee discounts for you: on the services of buying real estate in Poland (only for our clients).

We recommend using services of professional real estate agencies, when buying real estate in Poland, because they provide effective negotiations and competent signing of a sales contract.

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Our Polish partners provided the following information:

Prices on apartments in Poland:

Відкрити карту Польщі

* according to transactions made in PLN per square meter (Q4 of 2014)

City Secondary market, PLN New-built market, PLN
Warsaw 7 058 7 315
Gdansk 5 014 5 788
Krakow 5 834 6 168
Lodz 3 490 4 656
Poznan 4 979 6 230
Wroclaw 5 194 5 795
Rzeszow 4 895 4 831
Katowice no information 4 056
Szczecin no information 4 232
Przemysl no information 2 868
Tarnobrzeg no information 2 670
Sanok no information 2 317

The price on real estate mostly depends on the region, area and location (including distance from the city centre or transport links).

The cheapest and the most expensive prices:

Price boom on Polish real estate occurred in 2004-2007, when wages were increasing quickly, and most of people had an opportunity to take credit through acceptable conditions and government programmes. 

Drop in prices occurred before 2013. The highest prices on real estate were Warsaw (Mazowieckie Voivodship) and there is a biggest increase in prices for last 10 years.

Also, the high prices on real estate are observed in regions considered resort places nearby the Baltic Sea (Pomerania Province) and in the Tatra Mountains (Zakopane, Malopolskie Voivodeship).

The experts note the cheapest prices on real estate in regions nearby the border with Ukraine (Lublin and Podkarpackie Voivodeships)

Do Ukrainians buy real estate in Poland?

In 2013, Ukrainians bought 18.3 thousands of square meters of residential real estate in Poland so that they ranked second after Germans among foreigners, who buy real estate in Poland.

The trend continued in 2014 – 2015. By buying real estate in big cities foreigners highly influence the prices supporting their high level; this is particularly the case in the capital.

At what cities do Ukrainians buy real estate?

Among the most popular cities, first place as to the number of acquired real estate by foreigners is: 

  1. Warsaw (Warszawa). Further in popularity ratings…
  2. Krakow (Kraków).
  3. Wroclaw (Wrocław).
  4. Gdansk (Gdańsk).
  5. Poznan (Poznań).
  6. Lodz (Łódź).

The services of real estate agencies in Poland, the cost of services:

The services of intermediaries during buying and selling real estate are paid depending on the type and price of real estate, usually 1.5 - 4% of the price (land plots have the highest rate, because the real estate price is small). Depending on the specific agreements, this amount may be paid by parties or only one party.

We recommend using services of only licensed intermediaries. Remember, you should not provide any payments before visiting housing, verifying the legal status and without personal contact with an owner or an authorised person (intermediary). You should not provide paid registrations or other paid activations of customer's account, payments for access to a database of existing offers, etc.

Payment for services of intermediary in Poland is made only after signing a lease contract or housing purchase and sales contract.

Services of a notary in Poland and taxes when selling real estate:

Table 1 – Calculation of notarial expenses fees and taxes on purchase of an apartment at the cost of 200,000.00 PLN.

Number Payment/tax name Amount, PLN
1 Notarial fee 985,00
2 Statements 180,00
3 VAT 267,95
4 Tax for civil legal services (2%)  4 000,00
5 Court fee 200,00
  TOTAL AMOUNT: 5 632,95

Table 2 – Calculation of notarial fees and taxes on purchase apartment at the cost of  300,000.00 PLN.

Number  Payment/tax name Amount, PLN
1 Notarial fee  1 185,00
2 Statements 180,00
3 VAT  313,95
4 Tax for civil legal services (2%) 6 000,00
5 Court fee   200,00
  TOTAL AMOUNT: 7 878,95

Table 3 – Calculation of notarial fees and taxes on purchase of house at the cost of 500,000.00 PLN.

Number Payment/tax name Amount, PLN
1 Notarial fee  1 585,00
2 Statements 180,00
3 VAT 405,95
4 Tax for civil legal services (2%) 10 000,00
5 Court fee   200,00
  TOTAL AMOUNT: 12 370,95

Polish real estate market nowadays:

Real estate market of Poland is characterized by stability, recently the prices have changed only by few percent.

  • National Bank of Poland reports that in Q4 of 2014 the prices on real estate on primary and secondary markets in 15 biggest cities of Poland have remained stable. The number of apartments that expects sales decreased, and the speed of sales increased.
  • On the contrary, on the market of commercial property the gap between demand and supply increased and resulted in increase in the number of unoccupied commercial premises in Warsaw in Q4 of 2014 up to 15%.
  • The price on lease housing in Warsaw has remained stable, however in the most of big cities the price has increased. 

Stable prices on real estate and decreasing of interest rate on housing loans provide affordability of housing for the population. 

  • There is a high profitability of investment housing projects. It is related to favourable prices on building materials and construction work for real estate developers, which have been decreasing during the last few years. Also, in this period were reported reducing numbers of bankruptcies of real estate developers. 

  Information provided by:  

  Expert in real estate sale for foreigners  

  Yu. V. Sorbat, Certus, Poland 

We offer assistance when buying and consultations for free.

How a foreigner may buy real estate or an apartment in Poland – procedure and law – read here

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