Should owners sell apartment, real estate now? Reasons for sales in 2015
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8 main reasons of sales by owners of apartments in 2015
1. Moving
- One of the most often reason of selling an apartment as before – moving, changes in family membership, expansion or decrease of residential space for living.
2. Improvement of living conditions
- Doing a renovation is a long or expensive procedure. Sometimes, sellers wish to change secondary real estate for a new building because the prices of new buildings are set in UAH.
3. Financial problems and needs for money
4. Unprofitable lease
- Quite often owners want to sell extra real estate because of unprofitability or unsatisfactory profitability. Often real estate that is leased out for a short time – daily belongs to this category.
5. If the prices decrease, more expensive real estate will suffer primarily
- In case of crisis or economic downturn, expensive (elite) real estate will primarily respond on the real estate market. Drop in demand and therefore prices for elite real estate usually are projected with a high probability. The sellers are owners that possess more than one real estate object and have alternative housing for their own living. According to an expert of Duokom company (director of real estate purchase and sales department) Ye. Shkapiak: the sellers of more expensive and elite real estate always have to significantly reduce price of their real estate, if they want to sell it in a short term. This is particularly the case in crisis periods.
6. Everyone is expecting further decline in prices of real estate
- A large segment of potential buyers in recent months stood still expecting the drop in prices.
The drop in prices for per square meters is hard to predict, because many factors may influence the drop or increase in prices. One of the reasons of price increase may be intensification of frozen buyers. Expectations of drop in prices influence owners and they make a decision to sell real estate right now, and not in six months, not to lose due to possible collapse.
7. USD continues growing
- Settlements on the real estate market are traditionally conducted in foreign currency and current situation characterizes instability of UAH. In this situation – those who have dollars win. Therefore, owners of real estate more willingly sell square meters for dollar bills.
8. Moving abroad, buying real estate abroad
- Ukrainians sell real estate in Ukraine to buy one abroad. In the current difficult circumstances more than 10% of Ukrainians consider moving abroad. The number of requests on searching for real estate abroad has increased significantly. This is evidenced by the research results of sociological agencies. Another factor is investments in foreign real estate, often in Europe and resort places.
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